Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Male Factor by Shaunti Feldhahn

If you are a woman working in an office or profession where there are a number of males, you need to read this book! Women have invaded the workplace but are often at a disadvantage because they are missing valuable information about men. Women need insights into the world of men in the business world.
Feldhahn has combined insights from the 1,500 men interview for her earlier book with an additional 1,500 men interviewed for this book. She has identified several truths from her research and has formed hypotheses as to how men think and feel in specific areas. She then tested her hypotheses.
Some of her finding will not surprise the reader: “If you want a man to remember your presentation points, do not show cleavage!” Some may be surprising, as areas in which men experience insecurity.
Feldhahn found that most men want women to succeed and are frustrated when women act in a way that ignores how men perceive the workplace. The insights in this book will help women move toward success.
Feldhahn is clear that the answer is not for women to act like men. The answer is to know the rules and to relax and be who you are. Don’t forget the bottom line: honor God in all you do.
This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.

To see details about purchasing this book: http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780307457721&ref=externallink_wbp_extraordinary_sec_0817_01

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