Thursday, February 4, 2010

Magnificent Obsession by Anne Graham Lotz

Using Abraham as an example, Lotz shows the difference a relationship with God can make on a practical, day-to-day basis. Lessons from his life include God's calling, waiting, trusting in God's promises and not running ahead of God's plan and what to do when you've made mistakes.
One of the lessons from Abraham is recognizing God's call. But the lesson may not be as clear as Lotz implies. She lists the four "runway lights" that need to line up to know God's will (p. 115). One of these is the counsel of mature, godly people. Yet, Lotz admits that when she felt the call to teach the Bible publicly, her parents and husband opposed her (p. 26). She had three children age five and under at the time. She also notes later in the book that she "...discovered that so often our friends or family members want to protect. ... And therefore, sometimes they don't give us wise counsel." (p. 195)
Confusion about recognizing God's call notwithstanding, Lotz's book is a very good study on Abraham's life and is full of life lessons for the Christian.

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