Monday, April 12, 2010

Forget Me Not by Vicki Hinze

Hinze has been writing novels in the romance and thriller areas for over twenty years. This is her first "Christian" novel.
Hinze is an accomplished writer and this book is no exception. The plot is very complex (too complex to my liking) and the major characters well conceived.
The niece of a murdered artist is trying to outrun the killers. Instead she is abducted, beaten, apparently treated chemically to forget her identity, then left to be discovered. The elderly man who finds her takes her to a crisis center where she strongly resembles the murdered woman who originated the plan for the center, now managed by the husband who stays clear of the clinic.
If that sounds like the beginning of a complicated plot, it is. There are about ten subplots of attempted murders, purposely foiled attempted murders to implicate someone else, a "compassionate" killer who does not want to murder a "relative," smuggling of something (we never find out what) that must come through a tunnel in a beach house rather than by boat, and on and on.
It is so complicated that I found myself shaking my head as yet another plot turn (or change) evolved. There is just too much to make this a tidy book. A novel is not true but it does have to be believable. This one was so complex, to me, it was not believable.
The novel's redeeming factor is that the Christian aspect was done well and is believable. Now, if Hinze can just get the plot for the next one more streamlined and believable, I'll be reading it.
This book was provided for review by the WaterBrookMultnomah Publishing Group.
For information on ordering this book:

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