Sunday, November 7, 2010

Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent

I am a little leery of reported trips to heaven.  The apostle Paul didn't talk about his trip to heaven so why should I pay attention to someone who so freely tells his heavenly trip now?  But what about when the individual is under four years old? 
Colton Burpo had a ruptured appendix that was misdiagnosed.  After another doctor finally figured out what was wrong and operated, Colton had almost died.
Months later Colton began saying odd things about heaven or seeing Jesus.  His parents hesitantly realized Colton had been to heaven.  Not wanting to bias the child's statements, they were very careful to elicit more information.
Colton's father, Todd, is a pastor.  As Colton told more of his experience Todd was amazed to find that it agreed with Scripture time after time.  Many of these biblical truths Colton would have had no way of knowing, except that he had been to heaven and seen sights right out of the book of Revelation.  Colton was recognized by his grandfather who had died years before Colton was born.  He met a sister he never knew he had (a miscarriage before Colton was born).
I was intrigued by Colton's description of Jesus and the painting by another child (reproduced in the book) that Colton said was right on.  Still, Todd Colton admits, "We do not have all the answers-not even close."  (149-50) 
Even if you have been skeptical of near death accounts I would recommend you read this one.  It will build your faith to hear about heaven from this young boy's account.
This book was provided for review by Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Nelson, #9780849946158, $16.99, 154 pages.

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