Monday, November 29, 2010

Her Daughter's Dream by Francine Rivers

This is the second half of the somewhat biographical story Rivers has written about her family, begun in Her Mother's Hope.  The strained mother daughter relationships continue down to the next generations.  The misunderstandings and hurt fester as sins and life-changing events are not shared openly.  It is not until the last daughter takes a drastic chance does reconciliation come to her mother and grandmother.
Rivers is a great writer and the story captured my interest.  As with any epic tale covering several generations, there are times when conversations are detailed while at other times years go by without even a mention.  I found that a little disturbing in this novel as it seemed to me that some of the detail recorded was not nearly as important as some of the events that were just noted as having happened.
The events in this book are within my generation so I did not learn as much about past times and different places, as I did in the first book.  I know one theme Rivers works in her novels is each generation repeating the sins of the previous one.  I got a little tired of that happening in this book. 
Nonetheless, it is a good read.  For those who like to curl up with a good book for a few days, at nearly 600 pages, this will do fine.

Tyndale House Publishers, 564 pages.

Publisher's information:'s-Dream/9781414334097

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