Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

Oak Harbor Library book group. Revealing the childhood of a very successful British novelist is so deftly done in this story that I was captured. Vida Winters hires Margaret Lea to listen as the dying weaver of tales recounts her childhood. Lea is to then write a biography of the famous author.

I would not classify this book as a “mystery” yet it was full of mystery. Is Miss Winters telling the truth or merely creating another compelling story? And what of Margaret? How will her own secrets survive the ones she hears?
It has been a while since I have been “lost” in a book. The story is so well written I was drawn into the characters' lives.
Well done, Sno-Isle, to pick such a good book for the library's book group. The book is 400 pages long but you'll be finished before you know it!
You'll be able to find or request this book at any Sno-Isle Library.

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