Friday, December 3, 2010

Flight Plan by Lee Burns and Braxton Brady

Boys embark on a mission – the mission to become men. Flight Plan was written to help boys navigate that difficult journey.

Burns and Brady are chaplain and headmaster (respectively) of a Presbyterian boys day school with over 630 students. They know that boys are sometimes left to navigate the transition from boyhood to manhood on their own. They had developed a curriculum for their school and from many requests have penned this book.
This flight plan is primarily for boys to read right before entering adolescence (around 12 years old) and then again in their mid teens. Parents (or mentors) are encouraged to read the book alongside the boys for an ongoing dialogue about the journey to manhood.
The Bible is the foundation for finding out what God says about being the man He desires. Additional insights have come from various professionals and interviews of teenagers and parents. The book has a definite Christian worldview, helping boys deepen their relationship with God as they mature.
The example of flight is used throughout the book – pilot preparation, making a flight plan, staying on course, finding your wing man, etc.
The authors identify the myths of manhood we frequently see in modern culture and highlight the virtues needed to be a godly man. They cover peer pressure and potential crashes (such as alcohol, drugs, and sex).
Our society gives a message different from the Bible as to what it means to be a real man. I think this book is necessary reading for every boy to understand who God wants him to be. The questions at the end of every chapter are great for discussion with parents or other adult.

You can find out more about this book and order it at

PDS Publishing, 194 pages, $14.99.

This book was provided for review by The B & B Media Group, Inc.

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