Friday, December 24, 2010

Nightshade by Ronie Kendig

A special operations group is formed in secret.  It consists of military veterans and is tasked with covertly rescuing people from evil warlords and rebels. 
Max, an ex-navy sea and suffering from PTSD, becomes part of the group.  His is estranged from his pregnant wife, Sydney, who has withdrawn from him because of his angry outbursts.  Sydney is a reporter and tries to uncover the secret task force, not aware that her husband leads the group.
This is the first in the "Discarded Hero" series by Kendig.  It has lots of action, interesting places, and relationships needing God's healing power. 
Kendig is a decent writer even though she has some quirky writing habits.  I found her descriptions of jungle scenes lacking and hard to picture.  I was bothered by her use of "hustle" or a form of it (six times in this novel), and would black-op forces really "scurry"? 
In the end, a pretty good novel with well portrayed Christians struggling with trusting God in their adverse circumstances.

Barbour Publishing, 367 pages.

Publisher information:,7952.aspx?Tab=Books

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