Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 Reading Review

I read 214 physical books in 2010.  Nonfiction was 123 while fiction was 91.  That came to a total of 64,420 pages read.  Add to that the 22 audio books I listened to on my iPod.  (I request books on CD from my public library and transfer them to my iPod.)  I don't attempt to keep track of the number of pages in the audio books.  And then add the seven books I read as ebooks.  Those included books from the public library in Adobe Digital Editions, Advanced Reading Copies from some publishers in ebook form, and books on my Kindle.
My reading goal for 2011 is 200 pages a day: 100 nonfiction and 100 fiction.
I blog a book review only after I have read the book.  If I do a review of a book I have only skimmed, I will be sure to state that.
Happy reading in 2011.

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