Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Modern Science in the Bible by Ben Hobrink

Are the Bible and science incompatible? Is the Bible out of date?

Not so, says former high school biology teacher Ben Hobrink. He has taken note of the objective and verifiable facts about history and science in the Bible. Only in this century, he says, are we able to establish how scientifically correct these facts are.
Hobrink compares the medical practices at the time of Moses with those described in the Bible. Moses listened to God, Hobrink says. “This means that you won't find any medical mistakes in the Pentateuch.”
Moses wrote strict hygiene laws. The laws are scientifically accurate and were unsurpassed in Moses' time in promoting good public health, especially under the conditions of Canaan in that day such as the prevalence of venereal diseases. The laws regarding skin diseases, such as leprosy, were correct centuries before medical studies proved them so. Biblical laws countering epidemics have been proven to be right. The Israelites were instructed how to dispose of excrement properly (something some peoples are still learning how to do). They were taught good hygiene and how to protect food from contamination, and how to keep water pure. “Outside the Bible, nowhere in antiquity are such effective and systematic regulations found for the prevention and cure of diseases.” (33)

The dietary laws Moses wrote promoted good health. Here are no laws about eating plants (indicating that these laws did not come from another civilization). The laws were just right to exclude all animals dangerous for consumption. “The dietary laws in the Bible are intended to make the living conditions in a primitive society as healthy as possible.” (90)
In the area of natural sciences, Hobrink notes that Noah's ark was much more sea worthy than Utanapishtim's cube (flood story from the Epic of Gilgamesch). He shows that the ark had more than enough room for the designated animals and that there is evidence for a global flood.
He notes that the Bible speaks of the water cycle long before it was “discovered,” ocean currents, the spherical shape of the earth, and accurately describes star groups. He reminds his readers of the extreme improbability of all the fulfilled prophecies happening by chance.
He addresses evolution and the lack of transitional forms at the protein level. “In modern biology, there is no proof whatsoever to be found for evolution.” (146) He highlights problems with fossils and geological evidence (such as lava formed at Mt. St. Helens was dated at 2.8 million years old). Hobrink defends a young earth and a global flood.
He ends his book with an extensive section on the reliability of the Bible. Explained are seeming contradictions and mistakes in the Bible. He defends the Bible against modern attacks, one by one.
Hobrink's work is accurate, up to date, and well documented with footnotes.  This would be a great book for students and parents involved in defending the Bible and its message against attack.
This book releases Feb. 8, 2011.

I was provided with an advanced reading copy in egalley form from the publisher for this review.  All page numbers refer to the egalley and may not be accurate to the final book.

Howard Books, a Division of Simon and Schuster, 288 pages.

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