Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Confirmation by Ralph Reed

Bob Long is a newly elected U. S. President. He owes evangelicals a great debt for putting him in office. When one of the Supreme Court Justices has a stroke and appears near death, Long knows he may have the opportunity to nominate a conservative replacement.

There are those who would prevent a conservative appointment at almost any cost. There are others who are praying that the right man may be the extra vote to overturn Roe vs Wade.
Reed has woven a story that reveals the intricate workings of the power structures of U. S. politics. Sleazy people making deals. Politicians, lobbyists, and advisers manipulating others to gain more power. Dark secrets are revealed and lives are ruined. Unfortunately, it seems to be all in a days work for some in Washington.
I think Reed's book pretty much portrays what life is like for powerful people in U. S. politics. Reed has had enough experience in the political realm to know what he is writing about. It is embarrassing to think that this is how our country's leaders function.
The book is long and I think some parts could have been left out without harming the plot. There is also a great deal of drinking alcohol – so much that it seemed a bit put on.
Nonetheless, this is a worthwhile read, even if it is depressing. Is there any hope of integrity for our country's leadership?
Broadman & Holman, 408 pages.

This book was provided for review by Broadman & Holman Publishers in an egalley form.

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