Friday, February 4, 2011

The Rivers Run Dry by Sibella Giorello

Finally a great FBI character and story set in the Seattle area!
Special Agent Raleigh Harmon is transferred to Seattle because she doesn't play the bureau politics game.  A female hiker goes missing and Raleigh is in the middle of it.
Giorello has done a great job with the development of Raleigh as a character with quirky relatives.  Giorello has the setting right.  Now living in Washington State, Giorello describes the state's western and eastern areas well. 
This was a rewarding read for a Pacific Northwest reader. 
It's available at Sno-Isle Library.  I've already requested the sequel.

Thomas Nelson Publishers, 321 pages.

1 comment:

  1. Joan, so glad you enjoyed the book. Here's to seeing the great Pacific Northwest, both through words and photographs. We live in stellar country, don't we?

    Thanks for reading,

