Sunday, March 20, 2011

Missing by Lynette Eason

Lacy's teen aged daughter Bethany is missing and she goes to her old high school flame, U. S. Marshall Mason Stone, knowing he will help.  She knows he'll help because he is Bethany's father.  She just hasn't told him yet.
Thus begins the "Love Inspired Suspense" novel from Steeple Hill, the inspirational division of Harlequin.  The plot is pretty good and the action kept my interest.  Mason and Lacy must get beyond old hurts in working together to find the kidnapped girl.  A local deputy was Mason's best high school friend but also the one who caused the rift between Mason and Lacy.  His working the case adds to the tension. 
There is a discussion guide at the end of the book so this would be suitable for book groups, especially those who read romance novels.  The characters are or become Christians and there are several issues to discuss.  For example, unwed Lacy was sent away by her pastor father to have her baby away from the prying eyes of his church members.  Also, while God had forgiven the sins of the past it is hard for people to accept that and live in the present.  And, how does one trust God in the face of such a potential tragedy?
This is the kind of book I like to read in late evening and it was very satisfying for that.

Steeple Hill, 215 pages.

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