Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Code of Justice by Liz Johnson

FBI Agent Heather Sloan and her sister Kit were on a sight seeing helicopter ride to Mt. Saint Helens when disaster strikes.  The helicopter crashes and only Heather survives.  As Heather recovers in the hospital she recalls her sister's last words, "Follow the drugs."  Heather vows to finish the case her sister, with the District Attorney's office, must have been following.  Heather's boss forbids her to work, however, until she has healed.
Multnomah Country Sheriff Deputy Jeremy Latham is on the case of the crash which has been found to be deliberate.  Heather convinces him to let her help in the investigation.  Sparks fly as Jeremy tries to protect Heather from further harm and Heather wants to pursue every lead.  Then evidence of drugs are found at the crash site.  It soon becomes apparent that someone wants Heather dead too.
When the investigation stalls, Heather makes plans to draw out the murderer.  Jeremy is frantic when he learns that the murderer will certainly catch Heather off guard.  Will he find out where unsuspecting Heather is before it is too late?
Johnson has crafted another fast paced plot with believable characters.  It was a satisfying late night read.
There is a discussion guide at the end of the book so it would be suitable for reading groups.

Steeple Hill (the inspirational division of Harelquin), 218 pages.


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