Saturday, April 23, 2011

Jolt! by Phil Cooke

Cooke wants his readers to stay ahead in this constantly changing world. Our lives have been invaded by technology that is continually changing. We live in a culture of disruption. “...[W]e're living in the midst of the greatest shift in our culture since the invention of the printing press.” Cooke believes we can take control of the change, make it work for us, and not lose our soul.
Cooke says, “This book is about one central theme: how to live your life successfully against the backdrop of dramatic change and disruption.”
Cooke's first jolt was being fired. Such an event is good as taking that first step of needed change is the hardest. Being forced to change gets you moving. He gives four keys to the process.
Knowing your goal is essential. Cooke helps the reader at goal setting: dream, write, narrow your focus, then think about goals in the light of your gifts and abilities.
Determine your priorities by deciding what is important to you and then manage your time. Cooke gives great tips on making good choices.
He encourages his readers to define their boundaries. He advocates focus – doing one task at a time and doing it well. He has a good section on breaking bad habits and forming new ones.
Personal growth is not an option. One must keep learning. Cooke identifies the attitudes that inhibit creativity and explains how to brainstorm.
He argues that we can get more out of life by being generous. He explains self-confidence and how to overcome security.
He has great suggestions about how we perceive and how perception can be used as a tool. He covers the importance of our thoughts and how to direct them to our advantage. He speaks about the importance of faith. He encourages his readers to have a legacy, leaving the world a better place because we were in it.
Cooke has added a great review at the end of each major section.
This is a good book for anyone needing encouragement for living a meaningful life in this time of change.

I received an egalley of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers for the purpose of this review.

Nelson product information and a video.

Phil Cooke website.

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