Monday, April 18, 2011

Max on Life by Max Lucado

We all have questions. Max, after more than twenty-five years in ministry, has received thousands of them. He takes 176 of these questions and gives his thoughtful answers.
He reminds his readers that God's love is different from human love. He gives a synopsis of what God and sin are like. He talks about why we are here, why God doesn't answer prayer the way we want, and our responsibility to those in poverty. He gives encouragement to those experiencing hurt, and to those who want to get rid of bad habits. He writes about questions on prayer, temptation, relationships in marriage, dating, divorce, work, money, heaven and hell, and many, many other topics.

Some of the questions seen rather irrelevant ( like #130, about being a “lousy” cook and hospitality). While many of the questions are on those themes that always seem to turn up, there were some that seemed rather limited in their appeal.

Offering this much advice, there is bound to be at least one area of controversy. In this book, I think some may disagree with Max's answer to #167, asking about people who have never heard of God. “Heaven's population includes throngs of people who learned the name of their Savior when they awoke in their eternal home.” … “He does not send the gospel message to all individuals in the same manner, to the same extent, and with the same force.” At a minimum all “have the testimony of creation and conscience.” … “If this is all a person has, it is all the person needs."

There is an extensive index of topics at the end of the book. This will certainly be the book's strength as I cannot really see one reading the book from cover to cover.

I received an egalley of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers for the purpose of this review.

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