Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sisterchicks in Wooden Shoes by Robin Jones Gunn

Summer Finley has just received the disturbing news that there is an abnormality in her recent mammogram.  Her thoughts go to her mother who died of breast cancer.  Needing a diversion from her worry, she decides to spend a week with her pen pal from childhood. 
Noelle had been raised in the U. S. but after high school went to Europe, married a Dutchman, and now lives in The Netherlands. 
While the two had never met before, they had formed a meaningful bond through the years.  Often their letters contained thoughts not shared with anyone else.
Summer has a great time as Noelle takes her to The Hague, Amsterdam, and Delft.  They see paintings by the masters, wander tulip fields, and visit the ten Boom clock shop.
Over the days the two women begin to share even deeper parts of their lives.  Both experience spiritual renewal and a need to deal with issues from which they are hiding.
I wanted to read this Sisterchick novel because I have Dutch roots.  I recognized lots of the words was was familiar with the typical Dutch behavior.  Perhaps for that reason, this novel did not capture me as have some of the other Sisterchick books.  One does get a flavor of The Netherlands and how the Dutch live.  The gals did have some funny adventures but I never really laughed as I did with the visit to Finland.  The story line just did not seem "natural" to me.  There is a reader's discussion guide at the back of the book.

I received a copy of this book from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishers for the purpose of this review.

Multnomah Publishers, 276 pages.

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