Friday, May 6, 2011

Nick of Time by Tim Downs

I really like Nick Polchack the Bug Man novels and I think this is the best one yet!
In a previous story Nick met Alena, Dog Woman. She trains dogs, including a cadaver dog that helped Nick solve a mystery. She is as odd as Nick is, living in an isolated area with all her dogs.
As this novel begins, Nick and Alena are getting married in a week. Except that Nick has received a letter from a good friend, asking Nick to attend the monthly meeting of forensic professionals who work on cold cases. He promises Alena he'll call her every evening.
He is to meet his friend at the meeting but he never shows. Nick goes to his friend's house but it is locked. Then he sees flies hitting the inside of the windows.
One thing leads to another and Nick is obsessed by a murder. His attempts to solve the mystery takes him to a small town where the deputy sheriff died in a hunting accident (or was it murder).
Nick continues to follow the evidence. Nick never calls Alena – one night he's in jail and another he is out in the woods, far from cell coverage.
Alena finally decides to take three of her dogs and find Nick! She gets mixed up in the mystery and instead of finding Nick, ends up with a murder's gun to her head.
Will Nick finally come to his senses and realize he loves Alena more than he does his bugs? Will he find Alena before the murderer kills her? And even is she is rescued, will she forgive Nick and go through with the wedding?
The characteristic humor is there. And Nick is as strange as ever. The story line is good with a great twist near the end.
This book can stand alone, if you have never read another Bug Man novel. But who would want to miss even one of them?

I received an egalley of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers for the purpose of this review.
Thomas Nelson product information.

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