Tuesday, July 12, 2011

When Lightning Strikes by Kay and Bobby Brunson

The odds of being struck by lightning are one in 750,000. (44) It happened to Bobby.
With writing from Bobby and his wife Kay, we relive the event. The paramedics had given up as there had been twenty eight minutes of no heartbeat and no pulse. But when the monitor sounded, they scrambled back inside the ambulance and resumed work on Bobby.
He was taken to the nearest hospital. His body did not look well and had to be restored from its lengthy shutdown. Some told Kay there was no hope. Even if he did recover, the brain damage... He developed double pneumonia as he continued to physically deteriorate.
Finally, on the tenth day, came the first positive event. Bobby became responsive and cooperative. He began to talk about what he had seen.
When he was able to go home, the reality of having to live on this imperfect earth hit him. It was overwhelming. Heaven was where he wanted to be. He became emotionally distance. He was still recovering physically and could not work. There was financial strain as they went a year without a regular paycheck.
Eventually word got around and requests started to come in for Bobby to tell his story. A liveliness returned to him as he encouraged others with the reality of his experience. He understood God had sent him back for a purpose.

Heaven is perfect, Bobby says. The colors are in their purest forms. “Water is in its purest, perfect state as it gently moves along the shore.” (25)
He did not miss his family. Bobby says that whatever that emotional attachment is that causes us to miss an absent family member doesn't exist in heaven. “I didn't forget them; I just didn't miss them.” (27) “There is no concept of time passing or of missing anything.” (28) “In heaven you don't have to try to be Christ-like; you are Christ-like.” (28) There is a peace that goes to the deepest core of who you are.
The people he saw in heaven were all active. “Everyone was lively and full of purpose,” (39) He met and talked to Jesus whose perfection he cannot describe. When Bobby inquired, Jesus said, “I'm coming back soon – sooner than you think.” (38)

The Brunsons say of their book, “This book [is] meant to show you the love and character of God and the truth of the eternal place we have with him.” (95)
It does, in only 98 pages.

You can order this book from Amazon or at www.createspace.com/3428668.

I received a copy of this book from the authors for the purpose of this review.

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