Friday, September 16, 2011

40 Days to Better Living - Hypertension by Dr. Scott Morris & CHC

Dr. Morris, founder of the Church Health Center, wants you to be healthier. He has created several booklets to help you do so, to improve your life, just a bit, day by day.
Each of the 40 days of readings begins with a morning reflection. He frequently relates the stories of people who have gone to his Church Health Center and have had positive results.
Each day also has short readings and practices on faith, medical, movement, work, emotion, family and friends, and nutrition. The daily reading ends with an evening wrap-up including Scripture, encouragement, and a prayer.
In the faith section, we are encouraged to get a journal and record our faith progress. We are helped to discover our habits, to be joyful, be thankful...
In the medical area we jot down all our medical concerns, learn to take our pulse, list the medications we take, record our family medical history, recognize the symptoms of stroke and heart attack, quit smoking, drink enough water, determine your BMI, and many more.
For movement, we are encouraged to get moving, go for a walk, stretch, get more vigorous in our activity, do jumping jacks, dance, exercise while waiting in line, use weights, and more.
Considering work, we are to journal what we like and dislike about it, use a stress ball, listen to music, prepare healthy lunches, walk during lunch, and more.
The emotional area is an important aspect of overall wellness. We are encouraged to journal our feelings, practice deep breathing, relax, and sit in the sun are a few of the suggestions.
We need family and friends and are encouraged to ask for their support, ask one to go along on the journey, journal how they have helped, and more.
Under nutrition, we are to keep a food journal, develop a healthy shopping list, learn to read food labels, regulate our salt intake, eat some raw vegetables and whole grains, reduce our meet consumption, among others.
Most of the days center on a specific theme, carried through the seven areas. Topics include motivation, goal setting, first steps, setbacks, habits, triggers, seasons, sound, balance, and endurance are some of them.

Go to the Church Health Reader,, for reflections on living with disease, starting ministries, and much more.

Barbour Publishing, 176 pages.

I received an egalley of this book for the purpose of this review.

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