Friday, September 23, 2011

Book of Dreams by Davis Bunn

Dr. Elena Burroughs is an authority on dreams. For three years her book has topped the bestseller lists around the globe. On the surface, she appeared to be a successful woman, counselor on staff at the University of Oxford, at the top of her career. But underneath she was still a grieving widow of five years.
One morning she is surprised to see a new name on her patient list for the day. And it is just a first name. When the patient arrives she is accompanied by body guards. She is the U.S. Ambassador's wife and she has been having troubling dreams.
This counseling session begins an exciting adventure for Elena. She perceives from the wife's dreams that the Ambassador, previously CEO of the fourth largest bank in the U. S., is in potential danger. He is in the running to be the next vice-presidential candidate but Elena knows if he accepts the offer it will mean certain death.
Elena's good friend Miriam gives her an ancient book that had been passed down for generations. When Elena opens the fragile pages, she begins to “see.” God reveals to her part of His plan for the future.
As the novel progresses Elena meets others involved in the highest levels of international banking. It becomes apparent that there is a conspiracy to use the banking industry in a way that parallels the actions that caused the downfall of many in 2008.
Elena and the others seek God's leading as they try to stop the evil forces bent on deceiving the public with their financial schemes. It becomes evident that someone is out to stop them, even killing them if necessary.

Bunn has the gift of creating exciting novels and this one does not disappoint. We are faced with the intrigue of international banking and those who would use it for personal gain, even if it means the ruin of many. We are also confronted with a band of believers, once powerful in themselves but now relying totally on God. They choose to follow God's will even when it means their own lives are in danger. We are reminded of the ways God can speak to His people today – through dreams and visions. We are also shown that God can and does heal the hurts of tragedy and open the door for new life.

I recommend Book of Dreams. The characters in the novel are depicted well. Their Christianity is real, their desire to follow the will of God honest and their experience ultimately rewarding.
There is a reading group discussion guide included so this would make a fine choice for a reading group.

Howard Books, 328 pages.

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I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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