Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Change Agent by Os Hillman

Hillman believes, “Deep in the heart of every human is a desire to make a difference in their world – they want to be change agents.” (1) “Each of us was created to solve a problem.” (1) We often settle for the little story of our lives. Hillman has written this book so we can understand the battle and how we can become part of the larger story of God.
If we are to impact the nation for Christ, seven areas must be affected: business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, the family, and religion.
We have been losing influence in these seven area of culture because 1) we have separated ourselves and our nation from God, 2) the gospel of salvation has been emphasized over the gospel of the kingdom, and 3) the church does not have a biblical view of work and calling.
“We are each called to become change agents in the sphere of influence God has called us to impact.” (10) God is raising up people for this time. “Influence in culture is only possible when those who want to exert influence have a message and a life others see and desire.” (14) “God wants you to bring the kingdom of God into the territory He has given you so that His will can be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (26) “If we are to become change agents, we must make the gospel an integral part of our life, our worldview, and our passion.” (32)
God will see to it that we are trained. “When God gives a saint an assignment, the training ground fits the assignment.” (41) “God's training ground usually is made up of life experiences that will contribute to the ultimate assignment God has for us.” (42)
Hillman goes through the six stages and processes of the call of a change agent: divine circumstances, character development, isolation period, personal cross, problem solvers, and networks. He shares his own experiences at that of others (including biblical characters) in this process.
He then goes through each of the mountains giving examples of change agents and encouragement to those who want to be of influence. He includes points for each of the mountains, including suggestions for individuals and identifying what success would look like.
Hillman says, “For the last fifteen years I have devoted my life to helping Christians see that their working lives are not simply a place to collect a check, but a holy calling from God to reflect His glory and influence culture.” (203) “There is a grassroots movement taking place across the United States right now. It involves the formation of community-based Christian coalitions made up of local churches, workplace leaders, and intercessors who desire to see change in their communities.” (205) “If we are going to reclaim culture,” Hillman believes, “local community transformation movements must be a part of that.” (206) Three groups of people are vital to this movement: intercessors, pastors and nuclear church leaders, and workplace leaders. Hillman identifies four key ingredients required of Christian leaders: prayer, humility, unity, and knowledge of God's ways.
Hillman's final word is that if we want to see our cities transformed, workplace leaders who are change agents must be identified. They play the key role.
Are you ready to be a change agent?

You'll be encouraged to become a change agent when you read this book. But what happens then? I would encourage you to go to for additional resources. This would be a great book for a study group in the workplace or a discipleship group at a church. Working with others who have the same calling as yours will be beneficial.

Charisma House, 221 pages.
Buy this book from

I received a copy of the book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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