Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cherished by Kim Cash Tate

Kelli has a past she'd like to forget. Music used to be so important to her. She had written that special love song so long ago. But that was before all the hurt and pain.
When Kelli's brother asks her to sing that song at his wedding, all of Kelli's hurtful past comes into the present.
Kelli had just received her two masters' degrees, communication and public relations, and was looking for a job in Texas. Her family convinces her to move back to their hometown, St. Louis. And it is there she sees Brian again, after all those years.
Brian was now a very popular Christian rapper. In high school he was Kelli's boyfriend. When Kelli became pregnant Brian had “abandoned” her to pursue his higher education. He had dreams of a successful career in biochemistry. Kelli wasn't ready to be a mother so she did the unthinkable.
Now their lives cross again. When Kelli tells him of their child, Brian is devastated. It takes Kelli a long time to deal with Brian's asking for forgiveness.
Add Heather to the plot, a young woman who had been caught having an affair with a friend of Kelli's family. Then she is seduced by a “Christian” musician who promises to help her break into the music industry. Then Heather get's saved.
These stories are woven through events in the Christian music industry to create a good novel. Several characters must deal with forgiving those who have hurt them severely. Others must trust God with their future, whether it be in the music industry or not.
And Kelli and Brian must deal with the fact that God seems to be bringing them back together to create beautiful music. Will they be able to combine the mistakes of the past with their music today to help heal others?

A major theme in this book is sexual purity. The consequences of sexual impurity are well portrayed in the characters of Kelli, Brian, and Heather. But another theme is forgiveness and new life in Christ. Tate has done a good job showing how God can and will use broken people who are willing to let Him form their future.
Tate is African American. While this book may be aimed at African American readers, it was a great read for this Pacific Northwest Caucasian. It was fun reading about their church life and family celebrations. It was great to read about the family solidarity and support.
This is a book for all ages. Teens and college age readers will certainly get the message of the importance of sexual purity. Older readers will find satisfaction in reading about the broken lives healed by God.

Kim Cash Tate is a Woman of Faith speaker and the author of Faithful, Heavenly Places, and the memoir More Christian than African American. She appeared as the cover girl for the May issue of Empowering Everyday Women and will be featured in the September edition of Significant Living. A song based on Cherished will be featured on the newest album for Da’ T.R.U.T.H., a Christian wrapper. A former practicing attorney, she is also the founder of Colored in Christ ministries. She and her husband have two children.

Thomas Nelson Publishers, 336 pages.

I received an egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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