Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Fulfillment Principle by Bob Westfall

It seems we lose our joy so quickly under the stresses of life. Is it really possible to find that joy with deep roots, that lasts? This book is about that full joy, using Jesus' parable of the talents.
We all want joy, that sense of fulfillment. Westfall says that in the familiar parable, “the creator of the universe hands his children a clear, concise blueprint for pure joy...” (17)
We are reminded to be faithful in the little things instead of dreaming about the big things. God values each of us the same, regardless of the number of talents he has given us. Westfall shares encouraging stories of people who were faithful and ended up (still) doing great good for others.
He shares his own story of determining the talents God had given him. He created The Westfall Group, very successful in helping organizations raise money.
“All of the impossible odds must not dishearten us,” Westfall says. (56) The key is figuring out what God wants you to do (which may be the most difficult part) and then do it. God will provide the results. He reminds us that we have all that we need. “The skill is within you.” (70) He relates more stories of successful ministries, illustrating that one small choice to begin make make the difference for the future.
“The thing to remember is, your best is good enough. You were designed for a purpose! When you discover what that purpose is and begin walking in it, pure joy always comes next.” (76) “...[W]hen you give yourself up for God's use and invest your talents for his purpose, then you find the true meaning of life – and abundant joy. It's what you were meant for.” (100) This joy is deep seated and does not depend upon circumstances.
Westfall reminds us, if we have buried our talents, “it's not too late to dig them up and put them to work – before the Master returns!” (111)
There are discussion questions after each short chapter. The questions help the reader work through the process of determining their own talent and then how to begin the process of deciding what to do with it. There is also a chapter devoted to the process with additional questions for the reader to identify gifts, abilities, and “talents.”

This little book is great for Christians who want to find out what talents God has given them and then develop some ideas as to how to use use them. The book is small enough that it will not intimidate a new believer.

About the Author: Bob Westfall is president of the Westfall Group which serves charities and Christian ministries in financial stewardship and communications. He frequently speaks at national conferences and to charity boards, philanthropists, churches and other groups. Previously he served as the director of development for Walk Thru the Bible Ministries (WTB). He currently lives in Suwanee, Georgia, with his wife, Kim, and is the parent of four children.

Publisher information:

I received a copy of this book from The B&B Media Group for the purpose of this review.

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