Monday, September 26, 2011

Hook, Line & Sinker by Susan May Warren

Susan May Warren created Deep Haven as the setting for many of her novels. She created characters to inhabit Deep Haven and some of them just would not be confined to one novel. One of them was a Native American named Noah Standing Bear. He is a dynamic youth worker and has a youth camp that made a great setting for a fishing contest...and a little romance.
Abigail and Ross had known each other for years. Abigail spent time with Ross's older brother, Scotty – but mostly so she could be around Ross. Then Scotty was suddenly killed in a skiing accident. Ross was sure Abigail was devastated and the fun the two once had together came to an end.
Ross loves her. He's loved her since she beaned him with a line drive. And she loves him, but...she knows he doesn't want her. He's flunking out his senior year and she is going for her doctorate. What could they possibly have is common?
Ross and Abigail lead somewhat competing youth groups at the college. The two are thrown together as the youth groups are challenged to a fishing contest near Deep Haven. The tension between the two ebbs and wanes.
Can they possibly overcome their misjudgments to break through to the love they have for each other? Can Abigail use the principles of fishing to catch him, hook, line, and sinker?

This is a short (38 pages) novella and it was hard to get “into” it. For Warren to complete the typical romance plot, things had to move fast and sometimes without all the interesting background material fleshing it out. If one needs an introduction to the writing style that had made Warren popular, this is a good one. It was just over too fast!

This novella is available at

I received an egalley of this novella from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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