Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lethal Remedy by Richard Mabry, MD

Sara had married Jack Ingersoll, another doctor. Jack could not take the death of their baby from SIDS. He seemed to blame Sara and a divorce soon followed.
But now Sara must still work with him at the hospital as he has the only hope for a young woman who has been infected with “the killer” virus, Staph luciferus. No antibiotic will touch it. Jack has developed a drug that has been promising so far. But Jack is under pressure from the pharmaceutical company developing his drug. They want perfect results as they need this drug to keep their company from going under.
It seems at first this drug is one hundred percent effective. Then patients begin to develop a variety of autoimmune diseases. Sara and others try to gain information on the drug but are stonewalled. Jack and the drug company will not acknowledge any problems with its use.
Then Dr. John Ramsey, mentor to many, is infected by the deadly virus when pricked by a needle not disposed of in the proper way. Sara and others are desperate to find an answer to possibly deadly side effects of the wonder drug before it is too late. To make matters worse, it seems as if someone is out to kill her.

Mabry mixes lots of medical information with the mystery aspect of this novel. At times I was almost overwhelmed with the medical terms. His novel does reveal the desperate nature of the world of drug development and promotion.
I was a little unhappy with the ending. There was lots of buildup through the novel but the end was quick and abrupt.
Nonetheless, I like Mabry's books. They are great medical thrillers and have characters who live out their Christianity well.

Abingdon Press, 290 pages.

I received an egalley from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

1 comment:

  1. Joan,
    Thanks for the review. Glad that, on balance, you liked Lethal Remedy. Hope you'll try some of the other novels in the Prescription For Trouble series.
