Monday, October 31, 2011

Love on the Line by Deeanne Gist

Georgie Gail is the telephone switchboard operator in turn-of-the-century Brenham, Texas. She is a headstrong and capable woman. She is proud of the fact that she is self supporting and has her own little home, even if it is owned by the SWT&T Company.
Hot shot Texas Ranger Lucious Landrum is assigned an undercover job as a telephone salesman and repairman. He's to go Washington County to flush out and arrest the notorious robber, Frank Comer. Over his objections, Landrum, sets out to meet his contact, a Miss Georgie Gail, switchboard operator for the Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone Company.
Now known as Luke Palmer, the Ranger and Georgie get off to a troubled start. Tempers flare as each tries to assert their authority in the telephone business at Brenham. Luke can't help falling for Georgie, and she for him. He certainly had no intentions like those, and besides, it interfered with his undercover work.
Georgie is a bird lover and is determined to prevent birds from being killed and used as decoration on women's hats. Her bravado gets her in trouble and Luke is right in the middle of it.
Then Luke gets wind of the next train robbery. He knows he can round up the gang but no man in town will help him. Could he possibly ask Georgie to help him with this dangerous task?

Gist has created a pretty good story. She's done her research (as noted in author's note). Many of the events in the book actually happened to Texas Rangers. There really was an arrest like portrayed in the novel. There really was a bird conservation movement around this time. Eventually a tariff act banning the importation of wild bird parts was passed in 1913. The town of Brenham is real and many of the celebrations and contests in the novel did happen (the Maifest still celebrated every year).

Love on the Line is an enjoyable read. There is just the right mix of history, romance and adventure to keep one eagerly turning the pages. And there is humor thrown in from time to time to keep it light. The Christianity of the characters is believable. I loved the epilogue! That Bettina! Who would have thought...!

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I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

1 comment:

  1. "Love on the Line" by Deeanne Gist, is not your usual historical romance and that made,"Love on the Line" all the more a fun read! The story of a strong, independent woman and a Texas Ranger, undercover, set in the not so wild frontier of Texas,"Love on the Line" had all the elements of a perfect Friday night reading, to cozy up with, next to the fire, with a rich, hot chocolate on the table beside you.
    The characters are well developed, the background for the story, well researched, and just even the backstory, of the main character, Georgie Gail, will have the reader, caught up till the very end of this wildly, funny, filled with charm, reading.
