Thursday, November 17, 2011

Let Our Children Go by Rebecca Greenwood

We tend to forget about the unseen reality of the spirit world and the influence it has on our well-being. Greenwood believes demons want to harm your child. She gives biblical examples of evil acts directed at children (such as Pharaoh and Herod). She shares her own experience with a spirit of fear.
She relates how children often see spiritual realities we would dismiss, frequently having nightmares or seeing something in the dark. Greenwood suggests asking what the child is seeing, whether it is “good” or “bad.” The spiritual influence can then be dealt with accordingly. She suggests parents help their children exercise spiritual authority.
Greenwood wants the reader to be sure there are no demonic influences within the home, either from current possessions, from actions of previous owners, soul ties, or from generational curses. She has suggested prayers to deal with these issues. She also helps readers identify the evil influences of this world and how to counter them. She speaks to the issue of sexual abuse and providing for healing. She addresses childhood trauma and which spiritual issues are involved. She covers troublesome behavior of teens and how to break the power of those acts. She encourages parents to build a godly image in their children.
Greenwood has been involved in deliverance ministry for some time. In the latter part of her book she gives the techniques for ministering freedom, speaking truth, praying.

Greenwood relates many stories of her own experiences, and those of others, dealing with spiritual warfare. She includes many first person accounts. What is lacking is scriptural support for many aspects of her book, such as soul ties.

Those who are willing to deal with the unseen spiritual world and its influence on our lives will find valuable resources in this book. Those who need to have “proof” on this subject will be disappointed as the book is almost totally anecdotal. A scriptural defense of Greenwood's ministry of deliverance will have to be found elsewhere.

Greenwood lost my respect when she gave credence to Masaru Emoto's claims that the molecular structure of water is affected by our words and thoughts. (144-145) A quick search of Emoto showed that his work is considered “pseudoscience” by reputable scientists. That Greenwood would even include Emoto's pseudoscience in her book is disappointing. It might give readers the impression that other parts of her book are not to be trusted. The inclusion of Emoto's claims really served no purpose and is a glaring defect in an otherwise great book.

See more about Rebecca Greenwood and her deliverance ministry at

Charisma House, 240.

I received a copy of this book from Charisma House for the purpose of this review.

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