Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Song of Unmaking by D. Barkley Briggs

The Song of Unmaking is the third in the Legends of Karac Tor series.
In the first book, The Book of Names, brothers Hadyn and Ewan Barlow are clearing the briar patch at their new, rural Missouri home. Ravens fly over and drop scrolls that the boys find invite them to a life of great purpose in hidden lands. The brothers find a stone arch that is a portal to another land.
In the second book, Corus the Champion, Hadyn and Ewan foil the plans of Kr'Nunos to ruin the youth of Karac Tor. But Kr'Nunos has plans to destroy Corus, the great champion Kr'Nunos has imprisoned in Hel. More Barlow boys, Garrett and Gabe, join Hadyn and Ewan to unite the people and defeat Kr.Nunos.
Now, in the third of the projected five volumes, the Goths are on the verge of invading Rockval.
An even greater threat is the terrible machine being built atop Mount Vishgar, above Rockval, where the raging wind never ceases. A music machine with a deadly song, built from an old wizard's long guarded plans. It plays a terrible song. Nemesia is preparing to play the song, the song that will release the revenge of Kr'Nunos over the whole land.
The brothers' father is trapped in Rockval and then the Goths attack. They are a monolithic wall of rock and clay, with eyeless faces and steel-spiked hands. Their frightening size is twice that of a man. They were painless, bloodless, untiring brutes. They came for the soil.
The Barlow children join forces in their attempt to save the people in the hidden lands. Gabe and Garret are discovering their own special powers, such as Garret controlling the wind and Gabe joining reality with an eagle But Nemesia is not stopped and the Song of Unmaking begins to ring out in the land. Only Ewan can produce the better song. Will he be able to stop the destruction?

I came in on the series, reading the third book, not having read the first two. I was immediately lost with the variety of names and places. This book contained no synopsis of the first two titles in the series. Also, there is not enough information within the plot of The Song of Unmaking to understand what has gone one before. If you have not read the first two, you should do so before trying this one. There is not enough continuity provided, nor is the story in this book of sufficient independence, to be read it on its own.

This fantasy series involves travel between dimensional realities. At times we are in the world as we know it while at others, we are in the hidden lands. The Barlows go from our world to the hidden one, as does King Arthur. They're Outlanders.
There are characters and analogies to Christian themes are very strong. Olfadr had created nine worlds and gave Aion nine ways in which to reveal himself. So Aion was charged with dominion across many spheres of influence. Kronos, Keeper of Time, began to covet the rank of High Prince. Kronos sought to undermine Aion through subverting his greatest achievement, man. Kronos wove insurrection into the fabric of every generation to come. Even Kronos heard the judgment: the race of man would cost Aion everything.
Such is the power of Kronos, the Devourer, now Kr'Nunos.

See more about Karac Tor at www.hiddenlands.net

Briggs grew up reading Tolkein, Lewis, L'Engle and a host of others. When he lost his wife of sixteen years, he decided to write a tale his four sons could relate to in their journey through loss. Thus began The Legends of Karac Tor. Briggs later married a widow with four children. Briggs has worked in radio, public relations, and new product development. He has also pastored for eleven years. He, with his wife and their four children, live in the Midwest.

Living Ink Books (AMG Publishers), 395 pages.

I received a copy of this book from AMG Publishers for the purpose of this review.

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