Sunday, December 11, 2011

Die Young by Hayley & Michael DiMarco

“God wants you to die young today.” (15) Michael says, “to die young for me was to remove me as the center of my world and to put God and others in my place – loving and serving them as much, if not more, than I do myself.” (14) Hayley's death was slow and painful, the dying to self. But, she says, “I was finally at peace, finally dead to this world and living for Christ.” (13)
“Those who die young are emotionally bulletproof or close to it, because they have already died to everything in them that another person could damage or break.” (17) “When you die young you bury yourself fully in Christ.” (18)
There will be suffering. It is important to let that suffering destroy in you that which separates you from God otherwise you waste your suffering. “In matters of the spirit suffering teaches us more than happiness ever could.” (26)
Dying young leads to contentment. When you die young stuff matters less. Your “sanctification means the death of the part of you that clings to things that God rejects.” (31)
Dying young means you give up trying to engineer your own life. Dying young is dying to your own need to be loved so you can love others more. “To die young is to become invincible to the attacks of man, because the one who has died young can no longer be separated from the love of God.” (39) Dying young means you'll be humbled. You'll die to complaining, to needing to win, to being “perfect,” to pride, to your desire for stuff.
Dying young means you'll turn over your weakness to God's strength. You'll find true freedom in being a slave of Christ. You'll find peace in confessing your sins. You will find out that Christ's blood is enough. The victory is already done.
Hayley and Michael leave you with this advice: “You are never too old to die young. It is never too late.” (172)

In addition to Scripture, Michael and Hayley have included sidebars giving their own experiences. They know what they are writing about. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to know what it really means to die...and gain life.

Hayley DiMarco is the founder of Hungry Planet, where she writes and creates cutting edge books. She has written numerous best-selling books for both teens and adults. She blogs regularly at and disciples girls at
Michael DiMarco is the publisher at Hungry Planet as well as creative director. He has written numerous best-selling books for both teens and adults. He blogs regularly at and ministers to young men at

Michael and Hayley live with their daughter just outside of Nashville, Tennessee.

Crossway, 175 pages.

I received an egalley from Crossway for the purpose of this review.

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