Friday, December 30, 2011

Seeing Through Heaven's Eyes by Leif Hetland

“Seeing Through Heaven's Eyes entails seeing all the things that others see but determines that they are seen through eyes of absolutely unconditional love.” (24)
Leif describes his book as a guide on how to see into unloved realms, those places of darkness and shame. “How you see yourself – and your secrets – is directly related to how you see God.” (31) Do you see God as judgmental or loving? When we see God correctly we will see ourselves correctly.
Leif went through an experience where he was baptized in love. He now see through different eyes. He no longer sees God as austere. He now sees God as kind and tenderhearted.
Jesus announced that God longs for sons and daughters. God is entering into a new relationship with us and we can call Him Father. Jesus holding children in his lap is a picture of the Father's affection. The parable of the prodigal son shows the compassion of the Father.
Leif did not experience the love of God when he got saved. He was humiliated when he joined a youth group. He turned to drugs and crime. When he hit bottom he returned home and was welcomed by his father. He went to Bible college and seminary, got his first church and turned into a Pharisee. He burned out after sixteen years of ministry.
Leif helps us see paradise lost and our homesickness for Eden. He shares his travels, his 12 safaris, looking for remnants of Eden. The closest to paradise, he found, was El Nido.
Leif realized he was doing, not being. He shares his painful experiences: a compression fracture of the neck in 1995, broken back and leg in a sports car accident in 1998. In 200 he had an experience of the Father's love, a baptism. In 2005 he was in a treatment facility for a month, having abused pain medications. At the end of 2008 he lost lots of weight, had double pneumonia, a benign tumor removed.
The Christian life is about living out of love, Leif writes. “The Holy Spirit immerses us in the Father's love.” (135) “Once we have experienced that, he writes, “we begin to love Him with all our heart, all our soul, all our strength.” (136) Then, coming to see through heaven's eyes is a process, like a butterfly emerging from the dissolved cocoon. He emerged from the darkness a lover. Leif wants us to understand that this transformation is painful. It dissolves the old you.
But your eyes are open to see Jesus through heaven's eyes, your enemies, the Kingdom of God, the mystery of the Church, and the return of the King.

Leif has a great deal of Bible teaching, interspersed with his own story. He is widely read, as he quotes from a number of books. (He also shares six pages of dialogue from the movie, Mr. Holland's Opus.)
Leif has a message for Christians today. We are to be showing the love of God to others through the power of the Holy Spirit. Leif tells us how the transformation happened for him. His story is a great encouragement.

Leif Hetland is the president and founder of Global Mission Awareness and Leif Hetland Ministries.  He has traveled worldwide motivating people to see the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Destiny Image, 226 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author for the purpose of this review.

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