Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Truth & Dare by Ann-Margaret Hovsepian

Have you ever played Truth or Dare? The game: when your turn comes around, you choose whether to tell the truth (not knowing the question) or take a dare (not knowing what the challenge might be). You might have to answer an embarrassing personal question or do something gross.
But knowing the truth and being daring is God's way to awesome experiences.
Hovsepian's book is designed for girls 9 to 12. Young girls can easily neglect Bible reading, but this book encourages tween girls to discover how exciting God's Word is. Within Truth & Dare are hundreds of truths from God's Word and hundreds of “dares.”
Each day's devotion begins with Bible verses the reader will find in the Bible and read. At the end of the day's reading is the dare, a challenge to apply the Bible passage to life. It might be the dare to list five bad habits God wants to change. It might be something like asking God to give the courage to not hide a sin when tempted to do so. Girls will see that God's Word can become real to them as they learn how to apply it to their lives.
Girls may think being a Christian is boring. This devotional will help them see that being a Christian is exciting and full of blessing. It will help young girls see that they can make an impact on the world.
Hovsepian covers lots of topics from friendship to worshiping God to peer pressure. She has left plenty of space for girls to write their thoughts and responses to her questions and dares for each weekday.
The weekend reading might be a little quiz. It might be a story with space to write a response. Or it might be a short biography of someone who is living a daring Christian life.
The oversize paperback has a contemporary look throughout and would be attractive, I think, to pre-teen girls. I wish there had been something like this when I was that age.

Go to to see sample pages and a short video.

Ann-Margaret Hovsepian was senior editor and lead author for Blossom: The Complete New Testament for Girls and is the author of The One Year Designer Genes Devo. She speaks at conferences and events and is actively involved on the board of Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec. She lives in Montreal, Canada.

David C Cook, 384 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the lovely review, Joan! God bless you. :)
