Saturday, January 7, 2012

Never The Same by B. C. Fleming

Fleming, a recipient of the Purple Heart, does not consider himself a hero. “I was just an American soldier who got in the way of a suicide bomber.” (12)
He tells of his youth, salvation, and healings. He had planned a career in medicine, but watching the second terrorist plane crash into the tower on 9/11, he committed himself to service in the military. He joined the Army right out of high school.
He met his future wife on a pen pal web site. He was deployed three months after their wedding.
After completing a tour in South Korea, he was deployed to Kandahar as a reconnaissance team leader. His military vehicle ran across a double stack of mines. While the seven ton vehicle was tossed ten feet, Fleming escaped unhurt. He had to make the choice, however, to put himself in harms way to save a friend.
He later experienced another explosion, a suicide bomber alongside his vehicle. He received second and third degree burns on his hands, face, and neck. Regaining the use of his hands required fourteen months of rehabilitation.
He was discharged from the military and worked for Dave Roever.
B. C. ends his book with his thoughts on God. He chose not to hate God because of his injuries. He had faith in the future, despite his circumstances. His scars are now tools for ministry. “All that I now do as an author and speaker and writing books are my way of giving back to the American people.” (13)

Fleming's story is very inspirational. Reading about his experiences and the positive attitude he maintained is an encouragement to any suffering through adverse circumstances.

Flemming is a full-time public speaker. He encourages corporations, high schools, colleges and faith-based organizations to become inspirational leaders in their own spheres and to adopt an optimistic and courageous attitude toward obstacles they face. He has a soft spot for veterans and urges them to rise above the “victim” mentality and to be victorious. He has appeared on Fox News, CNN, CSPAN, ESPN, The 700 Club, and many other venues. Fleming in the author of five motivational books. Young, still under the age of 30, he continues to serve his country through his story of hope. He lives in Fort Worth with his wife and two children.

You can find out more about B. C. Fleming at his website: and

You can buy the book at Fleming's website.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from The B&B Media Group for the purpose of this review.

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