Thursday, February 2, 2012

Reasons for Hope by Carl Kerby

Mosaics have been around for thousands of years. Artists arrange small pieces of cut or broken stone or tile to create a pattern. Close up, it is hard to grasp the design. Stepping back gives us a new perspective and we can see the intricate result.
Kerby has realized that God is the Artist in his life, taking the broken pieces and creating a vessel useful for His work. He was the son of a prominent professional wrestler, a rebellious young man, air traffic controller, follower of Christ, full time speaker, and believer in the Bible containing the answers needed for life.
Kerby reminds us that God asks each Christian to be able to give a reasonable explanation for the hope we have. Kelby shares his own story as an example of how this can be done. Dropping our of high school, he was homeless at one point. He went into the military and air traffic control. He was introduced to creationism as shown in the Bible. He began volunteering for ICR and then Answers in Genesis. A quirky situation caused him to begin actually speaking at events.
Kerby wants to help his readers be “all things to all men,” being able to speak the truth and show the need for Jesus, no matter who is encountered. The circumstances of his life is unique but, in a sense, not all that different from ours. He recognizes God's hand in his life and gives God the glory for it. He wants us to do the same.
Kerby ends his book with a section on apologetics, concentrating on creation and race issues.

Kerby's book is an encouragement. As we read of Kerby's life, we are inspired to see the hand of God in our own. “Just as the most incredible and detailed mosaics are made up of many broken pieces, we all have broken pieces in our lives that God will use to create a beautiful mosaic for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28; Hebrews 13:21).” (231-232)

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Carl Kerby is the founder and president of Reasons for Hope ( He was a founding board member at Answers in Genesis for ten years and served there for over fifteen years. Previously he worked as an air traffic controller at O'Hare International Airport. He is a sought-after speaker in the U. S. and abroad. He is the author of two books and presenter on several DVDs. He has been married to Masami for 29 years, they have two children and one grandchild. They live in Hebron, KY.

Genesis Publishing Group, 240 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from The B & B Media Group, Inc., for the purpose of this review.

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