Monday, April 30, 2012

Baroness by Susan May Warren

The time is the “Roaring Twenties.” Lilly and Rosie, cousins and young daughters of wealthy American families, are in Paris, seeing a bit of the world before marriage. Their lives have been planned for them – an arranged marriage then carrying on the family fortune and responsibility.
But that is not what the women want. Lilly wants to go back to the family ranch in Montana, not run the newspaper empire her mother runs. And Rosie pines for the lights of the increasingly popular silver screen.
The novel follows the decisions they make, often desperate to get away from their family and preplanned lives. Most of their decisions are poorly made, heartache and anguish following.

I have read several of Warren's novels and of them all, I liked this one the least. There is nothing lighthearted here. The decisions Rosie makes are heartbreaking. The trouble she gets herself into is deadly. Lilly likewise makes decisions that feed her sense of adventure but nearly get her killed. All the while, the families are in the background, ready to rescue the women from their erring ways.

There is a little bit of Christianity in the novel (a tent revival scene), but none of the characters came across as Christians nor did they find support for their troubles in their faith. I am assuming there will be a sequel as Lilly seems to be making a little progress toward a fruitful life but Rosie is as troubled and mixed up as she was at the beginning.
I did not find this a rewarding novel on its own. There is no uplifting aspect of faith. There is no “recognizing the error of my ways” followed by right decisions. It seems like the cousins fight against the best actions right to the end. I hope a sequel does redeem this book.

Susan May Warren is the RITA award-winning novelist of over thirty novels.  She is also a five time Christy award finalist, a multi-winner of the Inspirational Reader's Choice award, and the ACFW Carol Award.  You can find out more about her and her books at  

I am taking part in a blog tour.  You can find out what others are saying about the book here.

Summerside Press, 367 pages.  To buy the book, visit your local Christian bookstore.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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