Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Own Worst Enemy by Janet Davis

Women, we sometimes sabotage ourselves, don't we? Janet found out she did. She writes, “I had met the enemy and she was me.” (15) You are a nobody, she thought. You have nothing to say.
She knew her thoughts had become a hindrance to living out the fullness God had created her to be. Realizing that, she began a focused journey. She talked to other women. Many suspected the God-sourced light within them had become hidden. They realized their internal dialogue was harsh and they did not understand the enemy within.
Janet has gathered stories, modern and biblical, each illustrating an aspect of the struggle with self-sabotage. She writes about the unimagined life, the unworthy life, and the unlived life. She adds her own stories, highlighting the various seasons in her own struggle. Janet finishes her book by writing about healthy and proactive choices, choices offering freedom.

I really appreciated reading about the difficulties women have with self-awareness (living miserable lives and not even noticing), feeling unworthy (knowing the ugliness within), and poor identity (the crumbs are enough).
Janet reminds us we are called to creative and to shine. We can make the wise and healing choices that culminate in saying yes to God.

Thought provoking questions have been placed at the end of each chapter. We are asked to think about our own story, the pain, the emotions, the impact of others, etc. The answers to these questions could be very revealing and I would suggest they be answered in a group of trusted friends. One could also answer the questions privately, perhaps keeping a journal. In many cases, answering the questions were more powerful toward transformation than reading the text.

If you think you are your worst enemy, if you think you are a nobody or that you have nothing to offer God, read this book. You will find that God greatly values your gifts, your voice, and your womanhood. Janet's prayer is that by reading this book, “you will have experienced the lavish love of God for your feminine soul in new and deeper ways.” (248) It is time to get rid of the self-sabotage, to stand tall and shine like never before!

Janet Davis has a master's degree in spiritual nurture from Western Seminary, Seattle, and works as a spiritual director, writer, and speaker after many years in hospital chaplaincy. She and her husband live in Austin, Texas. Read more at

Bethany House (a division of Baker Publishing Group), 253 pages.  Publisher's product information.  

I received a complimentary cop of this book from Bethany House for the purpose of this review.  The opinions expressed are my own.

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