Saturday, April 28, 2012

Named by God by Kasey Van Norman

It took Kasey a long time to get it. She splashed in the shallows of Christianity for decades. She became plagued with questions and doubts. “How is it,” she writes, “that this devoted Christian girl from East Texas who sang in the church choir and led small-group Bible study suddenly found herself tossing back a bottleful of Xanax to end it all?” (ix)
Kasey has written this book so we may no longer just talk about a life filled with hope and peace, but actually live it. That we might live not as victim but as victor. That we would strip away our masks. That a passion deep within our soul would be ignited. That we would no longer wade in the shallows but plunge into the deep end with the Lord.
She takes us through the journey, down the winding road of our past, seeing its potential to make us stronger people of God. We hit the rest stop of the present, keeping our focus on God. We feel the brisk wind of the future, God inviting us into his plans.
She shares her own story – raped as a teen, promiscuity following, hospitalized for an eating disorder, cutting herself, living a life of hypocrisy. She realized that it was not what was done to her but her reactions to them that were important. Her mistakes in the past did not have to determine her legacy. As with David, “God can give you a new legacy and allow you to pass on a blessing, not a curse, to the next generation.” (39)
She helps us understand the pain from our past and why God allows it. “What I have learned along the way … is that it is better to know God than to know the answers!” (55) She takes us through the steps of letting God heal our hurts. Then she works on the present and how God will still love us in the midst of our failures. She pays particular attention to how Satan can deceive us and what to do when we sin.
The last section of her book is on the future. We can look to the future with hope. She reminds us that the path to maturity is not an easy one. She encourages us to not be complacent, remembering, “there is nothing sweeter in this world than an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.” (219)

Kasey Van Norman is the founder and president of Kasey Van Norman Ministries in College Station, Texas. She and her husband with in Texas with their two children.

Read the first chapter here.  
Find out more about her ministry here.
Visit her blog, or follow her on Facebook or Twitter.
Tyndale House Publishers, 223 pages.

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I received an advanced reading copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers for the purpose of this review.

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