Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade

When Kate's grandmother asked her help in restoring the old house she grew up in, Kate jumps at the opportunity. Her life in Dallas was depressing. Her dating relationships were not working out and the stress of her social work was getting to her. Kate took a six month leave from her work and headed north to Redbud, Pennsylvania.
When she arrived at the stately old house she met Matt, the man hired to renovate the house. He was a “hottie,” one of her grandmother's friends said, and Kate can't help but be attracted to him. At times she thinks the feeling is mutual yet at other times, Matt is cold and distant. She can tell he has been hurt and is hiding from people and God. Eventually Kate learns from others that Matt was a hockey star but quit playing when wife died from cancer only a few years after they were married.
Kate tries to break through the shell Matt has established around himself. She is determined to help him come out of his darkness and come back to God. Will Matt again find God's love and perhaps the love for another woman?

This is a great Christian romance from this debut author. The Kate and Matt are well developed characters. We feel the hurt Matt has experienced and we cheer along Kate as she really tries to have Matt once again live life as it was meant to be. And I loved the quirky characters who are grandmothers Friday night poker playing friends.
The dialogue between Kate and Matt is snappy and well written. And the dialogue between the old codgers cracked me up. I really liked the parallel stories of romance – Kate and Matt and one of the old fellows who enlists Kate to help him get a date with one of the old ladies.
There were many lessons we could learn from the parallel romance stories. When is it really time to quit hanging on to that old hurt and trust God again? When is it time to take that vintage Cadillac out of the shed, give the old gal a ride, and quit hanging on to life as it once was?

A book club discussion guide at the back of the book makes this a good choice for reading groups. There will be much to discuss and laugh about.

Becky Wade is a mom with three young children. She and her family live in Dallas, Texas. Visit to find out more about her writing and the creation of this book.

Bethany House Publishers, 346 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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