Saturday, June 2, 2012

My Big Bottom Blessing by Teasi Cannon

Teasi didn't like her body image. When she was young, her schoolmates said hurtful things to her. She would repeat the “sticks & stones” saying, but it still hurt. During a visit to an aunt and uncle, Teasi was violated. She developed low self esteem, having a poor self image.
Then, as an adult, she had a breakthrough that changed her life. She saw something she had never seen before. Like a spiritual light that switched on, she began to see the good things God had for her. He had already provided her with everything she needed for life. Rather than asking Him for more, she asked that He reveal what He already had for her.
She saw Jesus' relationship with the Father in a new light. Then she saw her relationship with the Father in a new light.
This was just the beginning to the healing Teasi helps us see. We see our orphan ways and the steps to daughterhood. She explains how God digs deep, exposing feelings of rejection. We have all been wounded and Teasi helps us heal from unmet needs. And she reminds us what happens when we do not forgive like we have been forgiven.
Teasi wants us to stop believing the lies, assuring us that God's Word will heal our wounds.
She has provided a thoughtful prayer at the end of each chapter as well as penetrating questions with space to write the answers.

What an encouraging book! God loves me, not because I'm a certain size or shape. He made me and He loves me completely.
I've been accused of having DBD (Dutch bottom disease). Could it be that I'm not thin so that I don't find satisfaction in that? Could it be so that I will find my satisfaction and fulfillment in God alone? Could it be so that I will love God's beauty and not my own?
Teasi has given me much to think about.

Teasi Cannon (pronounced Tee See) is married to her best friend, Bill, and they have three children. Teasi has a master's degree in pastoral counseling from Liberty Theological Seminary, and is a sought after speaker who loves to help women remember who they are in Christ.  
Follow her blog:

Worthy Publishing, 216 pages.  Publisher product page.
To buy this book, visit your local Christian bookstore.

Go here to read the first chapter.

I received a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher and Handlebar Marketing for the purpose of this review.

1 comment:

  1. I've also read and enjoyed this book. I think it offers an honest look at one woman’s struggles with weight and body image. But rather than just “thinking positive,” she became deeply aware of God’s love for her. Knowing she was God’s beloved made it possible for her to love herself. I know all women, regardless of size, will appreciate Teasi Cannon's honesty!
