Monday, June 4, 2012

Son of the Underground by Isaac Liu with Albrecht Kaul

Liu is the son of Brother Yun whose story was told in The Heavenly Man. Being born in a Christian family in China in the early 80s was dangerous. Your family was considered an enemy of the state. Brother Yun was already in prison and Liu's mother had been scheduled for a forced abortion.
But God had other plans. The night before the scheduled abortion, Liu was born. He survived his premature birth – without medical help. It wouldn't be until he was four that Liu would see his father.
Liu shares his memories of childhood, the influence of his godly grandmother, his mother working to support the family. He describes the local house churches and explains the hatred of the Chinese toward Christians. He shares confrontations with demons and secret house meetings. He attended Bible School and was preaching – at age eleven. There was a time when he lived with others as both of his parents were in prison.
He tells of their escape to Burma then to Thailand, finally being able to join his father in Germany. There Liu struggled with his call to preach. He is currently a pastor in Germany.

For those who have read The Heavenly Man, this is “the rest of the story.” We read of the struggles of the family while Brother Yun was in prison and then in Germany. While not as exciting as The Heavenly Man, it is a very good account of what it was like to be a Christian in China. Liu's explanation of the differences in the churches, the Three-Self Church and the house churches, is very enlightening. It is simply written yet worth reading.

To read the first two chapters, go here.

To see a press release, go here.

Monarch Books (Kregel Publications), 141 pages.  Publisher product page.
To buy this book, please visit your local Christian bookstore.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Kregel Publications for the purpose of this review.

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