Monday, July 9, 2012

Hidden in Dreams by Davis Bunn

In this sequel to Book of Dreams, several people from all over the world are having the same terrifying dreams. The dreams predict severe economic times ahead.
The dreams have come to the attention of an executive with a cutting edge drug company. The company is about to release a new drug for treating ADHD. The drug is revolutionary and effective. There is only one problem. One of the test subjects taking the drug has been having the troubling dreams. The company must have the dream issue cleared up before they announce their revolutionary drug.
Dr. Elena Burroughs is asked to help figure out how the dreams are happening and what can be done about them. Then she starts having the dreams as well.
Elena goes public about the dreams, at the drug company's request. Then the economic situation and Elena's world falls apart. Her life, and the lives of those she loves, are in danger.

Unfortunately, I don't think this novel is as good as the first in the series. This plot is very complex and I felt at the end that some of the loose ends were not sufficiently tied up.
Christianity is well presented as Elena and her “boss” are strong Christians. There is a character initially opposing Elena who is not a Christians, so the contrast is well developed.
Bunn is a good writer so the book reads well. However, at the height of the action, when all seems lost for Elena, the calvary came to rescue her, so to speak. That was unrealistic, I thought.
This is a good read, but is not the best I've read from Bunn. There is a Reading Group Guide at the end of the novel.

Davis Bunn is the author of numerous national bestsellers in genres spanning historical sagas, contemporary thrillers, and inspirational gift books. He and his wife are affiliated with Oxford University, where David serves as writer in residence at Regent's Park College. You can find out more at

Howard Books (a division of Simon & Schuster), 238 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the honest review. Hope you have a great week! :O)
