Thursday, July 26, 2012

Inescapable by Nancy Mehl

Lizzie left her Old Order Amish home in Kingdom, Kansas, when she was eighteen - and pregnant.  Her father had been harsh, showing no compassion.
She had carved out a new life for herself in Kansas City but now it was falling apart. She had been accused of theft at her place of employment and there was no way she could prove her innocence. And there was that fellow she kept seeing on the street, watching her apartment. She knew she had to leave and the only place she knew to go was back to Kingdom. Perhaps there she would be safe.

When she and her daughter arrive back in Kingdom, things have changed. Some of the buildings in the town have been painted. A woman is operating a restaurant. And Lizzie meets some old friends who don't hold her past against her. She even has a place to stay in town, away from her parents.

She has hope for her future but she is shocked to see the stalker again. He has found her. And then she comes in contact with her father and he is as unforgiving and angry as was before.

This is a pretty well written novel. I generally don't like novels about the Amish but this one was a little different. Lizzie had been on her own for five years before she returns to the secluded community. The community is struggling with technological advance. There are some who want telephones and even own an automobile. There are others, including Lizzie's father, who think all of the modern advances are evil. Reading the novel really gave me an appreciation of the clashes in the cultures the Amish must deal with.
There is a bit of mystery and a little romance in the novel as well. It is all nicely done.
This is the first in a new series and I look forward to reading the next book about Kingdom.

Go here to watch a trailer about the book.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book. Go here to see reviews from others participating in the tour.

Nancy Mehl is the author of twelve books and received the ACFW Mystery Nook of the Year Award in 2009. She and her husband live in Wichita, Kansas.

Please visit your local Christian bookstore to buy a copy of this book.

Bethany House Publishers, 326 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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