Sunday, July 29, 2012

Message in a Body by Joseph Anfuso

Joseph founded Forward Edge International in 1983. The worldwide relief and development organization has mobilized volunteers to construct orphanages, provide health care to thousands, rebuild villages, repair homes, serve the homeless, build permanent homes and help rebuilt communities.
How he got to that point in his life is quite a story. Joseph is the son of a five time congressman. Joseph shares his experiences growing up in New Jersey with his twin brother. Smaller than his brother, he always had a bit of an inferiority complex. Their father died shortly after Joseph graduated from high school. Uncertain, he traveled to Europe, did college, then Europe again. Always searching, he and others drove across the U. S. He lived in Maui, then lived in communes. Still searching, he traveled to Tibet and India, visited a Tibetan Buddhist monastery and trekked to the Mount Everest Base Camp.
When his visa expired his brother flew him home. What a shock to find that his entire family has become Christians while he was gone. At his brother's urging, Joseph began reading the Bible. He eventually got saved and began working with Gospel Outreach. After a time he received a vision for mobilizing volunteers. Forward Edge was born.

Joseph believes in the power of story and his is a good one. He did what so many did in the 70s, searching for life's meaning in all the wrong places. Many baby boomers will identify with his experiences. They will also be introduced to the gospel as Joseph realized and shares his need for Jesus.

You can see more about Joseph's ministry at  

To order copies of this book, go to

I received a complimentary copy of this book from a publicist for the purpose of this review.

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