Saturday, July 21, 2012

The 3-Minute Difference by Wayne Nance with William Hendricks and J. Keet Lewis

In 1978, Wayne was a 315 pound financial advisor. He also had five credit cards maxed out. It took someone calling him a “fat slob” to wake him up. He got his weight and spending under control. (At the end of the book he tells us he had a coach.) But, as his wife said, he was still a jerk.
He began investigating the core thing that drove his behavior and realized his attitudes and beliefs were driving his behavior. He investigated others struggling with similar problems and found certain underlying attitudes.
Wayne has written this book to help us understand these inborn, underlying attitudes, and how they affect everything we do and every decision we make. (This core is established by age six.) He then takes us through a step by step plan to regain our life.
He doesn't ask us to change who we are but rather come to terms with who we are. He uses ALTER with purpose: Awareness, Learn, Tactical plan, Execute the plan, Re-evaluate.
He calls the core drive out attitude and developed a 3 minute survey to identify it. (The survey is included in the book.) It shows that every person is wired differently. Everyone is a combination of four categories:
T for tactical (planners, goal setters)
R for rational (logical thinkers, attending to facts)
I for impulsive (playful, spur of the moment, generous)
M for mellow (laid back, harmonious, trustful)
Wayne covers each combination, their traits, and what they need to watch out for. He has practical plans for physical, financial, and relational fitness, noting the pitfalls of each personality.

I wasn't surprised to find out that I'm a barge (you've got to read the book). The 3 minute survey only confirmed what I already knew about myself. I thought the plans for altering one's life were a little weak on the various core attitudes. Most of each chapter was on general change, then a paragraph on each of the boats, barges, and sailboats designations. I would have rather seen a couple of chapters devoted to T people, then a couple to R people, etc. The information just felt too general to me.
One who has done lots of reading on personality styles may not find anything new here. One who is interested in finding out his or her own personality for the first time will find this a quick and easy way to do so.
And, as is always the case, it comes down to just doing it. Wayne has included a 91 day plan to help the reader get going and accomplish change.

This book has been previously published under different titles, Thin, Rich, and Happy in 2007, and Real Life Management in 2008.

Mission Books (an imprint of eChristian Publishing), 298 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from The B & B Media Group for the purpose of this review.

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