Monday, August 13, 2012

Globequake by Wallace Henley

Henley believes, “the answer for people living in our turbulent times is found in God, His Word, and His Kingdom.” (xii)
People are seeking security in a world gone wild. Our planet is in worldwide turbulence. It's a Globequake. It is as if the tectonic plates of society and culture are being torn apart. He calls it a Globequake because of its scope, velocity, and magnitude.
Only God's Kingdom cannot be shaken and he gives the reasons why this is so. We must bring God's Kingdom into our world, into each of the spheres of person, church, family, education, government, and business. He offers biblical truths that can be applied to bring stability to ourselves, our families, and our institutions. He explains how this can be done through renewal of vision, reinventions, and transformation.
He ends the book by reminding us that humans need hope. We cannot live without it. That will only come from living in the unshakable kingdom.

Henley shares his observations of the current world situation. He is very knowledgeable, giving insight in how we got to the situation we are today and then what can be done to bring God's Kingdom to it. He uses his skills as a journalist and government aid as he reports on the world condition. He uses his experience as a pastor as he gives a blueprint for action. He encourages us to see the current situation as an invitation to renew our faith and anchor ourselves in Christ.

There is nothing earth-shakingly new in this book. It is a good reminder, however, to keep our focus on God and His Kingdom.

Wallace Henley has been a journalist and an aid in the Nixon White House. He felt called to the ministry and is now assistant pastor in the 56,000 member Second Baptist Church of Houston. He and his wife live in the Houston area. Find out more at

Thomas Nelson Publishers, 276 pages.

Publisher's product page.

Please visit your local Christian bookstore to buy this book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from The B & B Media Group for the purpose of this review.

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