Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The 13: Fall by Robbie Cheuvront & Erik Reed

It's a little over a decade in the future. The President of the U.S. has been receiving mysterious announcements from a man who is warning the President about a future judgment on the nation. Unless the nation returns to honoring God, the judgment will come. While the President is a Christian, he is in a turmoil. Is this man a crackpot, a sham, or is this really a word from the Lord?
The President assembles a team of the best in national security to find this man they have dubbed The Prophet. Jon Keene is an extraordinary CIA agent with a chip on his shoulder against God for letting his wife die. Megan Taylor is undoubtedly the best computer hacker the FBI has in their ranks. A fervent Christian, she can get into any server, connect with any secured network, anytime. And Bozwell Hamilton, an ex-special ops soldier turned pastor.
As the three work to find The Prophet, the unthinkable happens. The greedy head of the recently combined national defense agencies has made a deal with the Chinese. New stealth technology has allowed the Chinese to hover at the U.S. borders. The scheme is that the Chinese would be allowed into U. S. protected areas to drill for their much needed oil. But the Chinese have a much more serious plan in mind – invasion.

This is a well written suspenseful novel. The characters are well developed, the plot is superb and the action is continuous. I highly recommend this novel as it portrays a very possible future for the United States. This is the first in a series and the book leaves you waiting for the next installment!

Watch the book trailer here.

Go here for publisher's information and to read a chapter. 

Barbour Publishing, 320 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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