Monday, August 27, 2012

The Power of Prophetic Blessing by John Hagee

John Hagee believes in the power of words. He believes in the power of blessing. He writes, “You have the ability, through the power of blessing, to revolutionize your life and control your future.” (18)
In this book, he explores the Prophetic Blessing. “The Prophetic Blessing is a spoken declaration by a spiritual authority over the life of an individual. The words of the blessing carry the power to control and direct the life of the person over whom they have spoken.” (94)
He first covers the Priestly Blessing of Numbers 6:22-27, notes that its content cannot be changed, and looks at the three promises it includes.
He distinguishes the Priestly Blessing from the Prophetic Blessing. The Priestly Blessing is God's declaration. “The Prophetic Blessing is the spoken declaration by God's spiritual authority concerning the life of an individual.” (26) The Prophetic Blessing is unique to each individual.
He reviews all the blessings of the Bible, such as that in Genesis, to Abraham, Jacob prophesying over his sons, and Jesus' prophetic blessings (the Beatitudes). He covers the six scriptural requirements for releasing and receiving a prophetic blessing.

While I appreciate a book on the power of spoken words, I think Hagee goes a bit far sometimes. As I noted in the first quote above, Hagee says I have the ability, through the power of blessing, to control my future. Where does that leave a sovereign God? I would rather submit myself to Him and let Him control my future.
Hagee paints a dire picture if I don't speak the Prophetic Blessing. “If you refuse to proclaim God's Word over your life and the lives of your loved ones through the Prophetic Blessing, you cut yourself off from your High Priest in heaven.” (214) Really!
And it seems Hagee has included some sloppy, at best, or deceptive, at worst, review of Abraham's (Abram's) life. He writes that Abraham “obediently left Ur, his family...” (54) The Bible scholars I've read say that Abraham taking his nephew lot with him was an act of disobedience to God's command to leave his family behind. Hagee also writes that God told Abraham to leave Canaan and go to Egypt. Hagee would have us believe that Abraham giving over Sarah (Sarai) to the Pharaoh was an act of faith in God's deliverance. (56) I just reread Genesis 12 and just don't see it.
Hagee speculates, “As [Abram] sojourned in Egypt, his thoughts were on the Prophetic Blessing God had spoken over him.” (55) Really! Hagee knows what Abram was thinking about?
There are some problems, too, with Hagee's interpretation of Joseph as a type. For example, based on the fact that Joseph that Joseph revealed himself to his brothers the third time they came to Egypt, he says Jesus will reveal himself to the Jewish people the third time they enter the Land. (152-3) This was May 15, 1948, nearly 65 years ago. So, are the Jews still waiting for this revelation?
Also based on the Joseph type, Hagee says Christians will be raptured before Christ returns just as Joseph asked the Egyptians to leave the room before he revealed himself to his brothers. (153-4) Does Hagee really mean to have the (faithful) church he believes will be raptured likened to the Egyptians, earthly and ungodly people in typology? I think he has stretched the idea of typology beyond credibility.
Lastly, Hagee spends a great deal of time writing about Israel. I know he has strong feelings about Israel, but he spends way too much time on the nation in a book that is supposed to be about speaking blessings on your children, your wife, etc.

John Hagee is the author of four new York Times bestsellers. He is the founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. He is the founder and president of John Hagee Ministries which telecasts his radio and television teachings to some 249 nations. He is also the founder and chairman of Christians United for Israel.

Worthy Publishing, 300 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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