Sunday, September 9, 2012

Grace by Mac Lucado

Max Lucado has a way with words. “God answers the mess of life with one word: grace.” “Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off.”
But do we really understand grace?
For each of us, grace begins with God stooping to rescue us. Then He saves, raises and seats us in the heavenlies. Earthly condemnation is gone.
To understand grace, we must understand who we are. Rebels. We deserve to die but we receive grace instead.
We rest in grace, resisting the thought that we can help Jesus along the way. We show grace to others. We confess our sin, knowing God's grace is bigger. We recognize the “thorn in the flesh” as God's grace to us.
God is generous to us. We have been adopted rather than rejected. We are heaven bound – guaranteed.

This book is classic Lucado. He skillfully retells Bible stories revealing God's grace in action. He adds a wealth of other stories too.
There is an extensive Reader's Guide – about the last quarter of the book. Each of the twelve studies opens with a Bible reading, then has a quote from the book. Additional Scriptures are provided for deeper study. Next come questions and a prayer, then an exploration section with thoughts to ponder and action to take.

Lucado reminds us how important grace is to us, and how important it is for us to show grace to others. “You are a billboard of God's mercy to those within your circle of influence.” Will this describe your life? “Grace happens here.”

Thomas Nelson Publishers, 240 pages.  Publisher product page.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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