Friday, September 7, 2012

To Write a Wrong by Robin Caroll

This is the second in the Justice Seekers series and if you haven't read the first one, as I had not, you'll be missing out. Much of the character action in this book is based on the first one. While you will still appreciate the book for its action and plot, some of the character's behavior will be puzzling.

Riley Baxter is a writer for a southern magazine who's career needs a boost. If she doesn't come up with a good story soon, she'll be looking for work. When she is at the Angola State Penitentiary, wanting to make sure the man who killed her parents (previous book) does not get out on early parole, she comes upon a story that just might be the one she needs. It looks like an innocent man is in prison for a robbery he had nothing to do with. His family has lost their home but not their hope. Riley starts out on a crusade to clear his name - and endanger her own life.
Add to the story Hayden Simpson, Police Commissioner, who is interested in Riley.
And here is where the story gets a little confusing if you have not read the first one in the series. Hayden has a sister who is bipolar and he helps his mother keep her in line. He also has emotional baggage from the death of his father. And then there is Riley's brother and girlfriend who come in on the story, as well as another sister. All of them carry baggage from the previous book. All the relationships are a bit confusing without having read the first in the series.

Nonetheless, the plot in this novel is excellent. Riley struggles to forgive the drunk driver who killed her parents. This emphasis on forgiveness comes to a climax with an exciting ending. The families of Riley and Hayden are Christians and Christianity is well presented throughout.

This is a great novel. To receive the full impact of the story, however, make sure you have read the first in the series.

B & H Publishing Group, 355 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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