Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Bridge by Karen Kingsbury

Having owned a bookstore for over three decades, I can really identify with Charlie Barton. He and his wife started and maintained a popular bookstore, The Bridge, in Franklin, Tennessee for thirty years. Then, the “hundred year flood” in 2010 destroyed it all. Nearly every book was ruined. Insurance didn't begin to cover the cost of reopening. He's behind in his lease. He's behind in his house payments. No banks will loan him money. His faith in God has sunk to a dangerous low. Afraid he will lose it all, his thoughts turn to suicide.
Molly and Ryan were students at a nearby college and frequented The Bridge. It was their favorite place to study and talk. There might have been a romance between the good friends, but both had someone back home they were supposed to marry. Seven years ago they went their separate ways. Ryan stayed in Franklin but Molly returned to the west coast. Neither one knows that the other's marriage never took place. Nor can either of them forget what might have been.
Charlie, Ryan and Molly. Each of them is in need of a miracle. But then, God is in the miracle business.

I really liked this book. It is a great holiday read. Having been a bookstore owner, I know Karen nailed Charlie's character. And who wouldn't fall in love with Molly and Ryan? During college they were both so faithful to the one waiting for them back home. Your heart aches knowing that they really belong together but the circumstances seem to make it impossible.

There are no deep psychological themes here. No complex plots. Just giving and loving people who need others to help them along. This is a wonderful and heartwarming novel for your holiday season.

Karen Kingsbury is a USA Today and New York Times bestselling author. There are more than 20 million of her award-winning books in print. She has written more than fifty novels. She lives in Tennessee with her husband. Find out more at www.KarenKingsbury.com. You can follow her on Twitter, @KarenKingsbury and Facebook, AuthorKarenKingsbury.

Howard Books (a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.), 232 pages.

Go to the publisher's product page to watch a video, read a chapter, and hear an excerpt from the audio book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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